Broken Links Checker: Find 404 links on website

When a page of a website is unreachable, the visitor will see an error message in the browser’s tab. These messagesĀ are reported because of the following reasons: The database server isn’t working: All nonstatic websites save data to the database. If the database server isn’t working, the page won’t won’t be able to get data… Continue reading Broken Links Checker: Find 404 links on website

Google de indexing your site? Learn how to find the root cause of this issue and fix it

Google dropping 1000s of pages from its index is a nightmare for bloggers, webmasters, developers, and online business owners. One of my sites has around 28000 pages. Google had indexed around 12000 pages of this site but in the last few months, it started dropping the pages from its index. If you’re following SEO news… Continue reading Google de indexing your site? Learn how to find the root cause of this issue and fix it